— Creation 2025

" I have frequently noticed through the body how the human being is an infinite world. I have always believed that the body’s intimacy is not the final destination but, rather, the tipping point onto something outside the body. As if there is a threshold embedded within us that, once crossed, leads to somewhere else. Rare are the conscious or unconscious experiences, whether provoked or endured, that lead to extrasensitive perception, when you allow yourself to be blindly propelled into the unknown for a moment. When they happen, I view these moments as fractures in reality. Something else within us, other than our minds or bodies alone, ex- periences life. We are an integral part of a shifting landscape. I now feel obligated to return to what for me was the first spark that led me somewhere else, a connection to music. Music was what always helped me break through walls, beginning with those within me.

“ Anywhere ! Anywhere ! Out of this world ! ” (Charles Baudelaire)

Is it about going out of this world or is it about entering into this world ? Musicality in the broader sense for me describes a reality in which matter is weightless, aspiring to a higher essence that escapes definition.

I’ve always regarded music as it is widely accepted and dance in the broadest sense as being very close and even inseparable.

Music not as an element distinct from the body’s experience, but something intrinsically linked to the way I experience dancemaking.

I even think it’s the space that brings them together that interests me, the immateriality that music lends dance and how dance allows music to be embodied. It is an extremely delicate balance that manifests vibration as much as what it evokes.

For Orage, I envision a minimal grouping, in which dance and music exist as an elemental expression of what it means to be human. A vibrational principle that traverses each person’s materiality and makes it resonate. A shared score rooted in a plural imagination.

Once again, my conviction leads me to believe that this place within us and outside of us creates unity, establishes a connection, and attunes us in unkown ways."

Dalila Belaza

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Dalila Belaza

original MUSIC

Serge Teyssot-Gay


Dalila Belaza, Serge Teyssot-Gay


hiya company - Jour association  


La Briqueterie-CDCN du Val de Marne ; La Biennale de la danse de Lyon ; Ballet Preljocaj - Pavillon Noir - Centre Chorégraphique National Aix-en-Provence

in search of production contributeur


Ministry of Culture and Communication - DRAC Ile-de-France


Maison de la danse, Lyon - Pôle européen de création


CN D - Pantin

Photos credits : Laurent Philippe

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